Yoga and the Neuroendocrine System

with Eddie Stern

Yoga and the Neuroendocrine System; Adapted Ashtanga Yoga;
Sensitizing Awareness through Hatha Yoga

Eddie Stern is a Yoga instructor from NYC. His approach to Yoga combines traditional practices with scientific research. He is the author of several books on Yoga, has collaborated on scientific studies, and created two apps, The Breathing App and Yoga 365. Eddie is the co-chair of LIFE Camp, a non-profit that works to reduce gun violence in NYC; co-founder of the Urban Yogis, bringing Yoga teacher trainings to underserved youth and young adults; and serves on the advisory board of the Black Yoga Teachers Alliance. His latest book is the best-selling One Simple Thing, a New Look at the Science of Yoga and How It Can Change Your Life.


ZUY Chamartín - Calle Gabriel Lobo, 9 Madrid


Friday 13th to Sunday 15th of October


320€ Full weekend (early bird before 17 of september after 360€)

150€ single day

The course will be in english with a translator

El curso será en inglés con traductor

If you have any doubts you can write us to

Si tienes alguna duda escribe a



FRIDAY 13th of October

9.30h Practice: Pranayama Level 1

11.00h Practice: Adapted Ashtanga Yoga Practice

16.00h Lecture/pranayama and chanting: Introduction to Yoga's Effects on Mind-Body-Spirit

SATURDAY 14th of October

11.00h Practice: Wholistic Ashtanga Yoga Practice; Pranayama,

adapted Primary, with some Intermediate Postures

12.00h Lecture: The Means of Self-Knowing: An Introduction to Yogic and Western Sciences

16.00h Lecture: Why do Pranayama?

17.00h Practice: Pranayama Level 1

SUNDAY 15th of October

9.30h Led Primary

12.00h Lecture: Yoga and the Neuroendocrine System

16.00h Practice: Pranayama Level 1

17.00h Lecture: Yoga and the Neuroendocrine System continued.

* horario susceptibles a cambios

Pranayama Level 1: This is an introductory pranayama practice where you will learn how to slow the breath down in order to bring a deep calm to the nervous system. It is an accessible, gentle, but highly effective practice, suitable for all levels. We will do eight different breathing patterns over the course of 40 minutes, followed by a short, thorough relaxation practice.


Adapted Ashtanga Yoga: In this class we practice the primary series in one hour, leaving out some of the jump back vinyasas, grouping certain categories of postures together, and shortening the number of inversions. It is a balanced, gentler approach to primary series, for those who have less time or less energy in the day for intensive

Holistic Ashtanga Yoga: For Yoga to be holistically effective, we must include a regular practice of pranayama as well as follow lifestyle guidelines for healthy emotional and social living. In this class, we will add in three simple pranayama practices, shorten primary series, include some very important but not difficult back bending positions of intermediate, and include a relaxation practice that balances the emotional body.

Led Primary: The standard, traditional practice of the Yoga Cikitsa, or Primary Series of Ashtanga Yoga.

 Lectures: The entire series of lectures this weekend will be oriented towards understanding the underlying mechanisms that make yoga a highly effective practice of our body-mind-spirit existence. We will discuss from Yogic and Western views how the different yoga practices
effect the neuroendocrine system, which is largely responsible for how we respond, adapt, and perceive ourselves and reality. We will discuss how the practice of yoga can create enduring states of calm, quiet, and insight in the body and mind.