FRIDAY 27th of May
17.00-19.00h (5-7pm) - Jivamukti XL Open Class with Jules.
Whether students are beginners or more experienced, a Jivamukti Open class is open to all. Students practice at their own pace, following verbal as well as hands-on guidance. An Open class presents classical yoga teachings as relevant to one's life on and off the mat, supported by chanting, breath awareness, flowing vinyasa sequences, alignment exploration, hands on assistance, relaxation and meditation. Open to all levels.
19.15-20.30h (7.15-8.30pm) - Satsang by donation with Jules, Martyna and Rio.
Sat is "truth" and Ang is "limb" or "attachment." Satsang is a gathering of like minded individuals who are interested in exploring "what is truth?" or "what is true?" from the Yogic perspective and teachings. In Satsang we will meditate, chant and discuss thoughts and ideas around yogic topics. Open to all (by donation, which goes entirely to a local animal sanctuary).
SATURDAY 28th of May
10.00-12.30h (10am-12.30pm) - Jivamukti XXL Masterclass with Martyna: “What We Become: How Bhakti and Ahimsa inform each other and why āsana matters”.
Whether students are beginners or more experienced, a Jivamukti Open class is open to all. Students practice at their own pace, following verbal as well as hands-on guidance. An Open class presents classical yoga teachings as relevant to one's life on and off the mat, supported by chanting, breath awareness, flowing vinyasa sequences, alignment exploration, hands on assistance, relaxation and meditation. Open to all levels.
15.00-18.00h (3am-6pm) - Workshop “What is Jivamukti? A tour of the 5 tenets and a vigorous asana practice” with Jules.
The Jivamukti Yoga method, a form of Hatha Yoga, incorporates 5 tenets: Ahimsa/non-harming, Bhakti/devotion, Shastra/study of yogic texts, Nada/yoga of deep listening, and Dhyana/meditation. The integrated approach of Jivamukti emphasizes that yoga may seem like an individual practice but we are all connected. What we do matters. We do not pretend to be a mountain or tree but we take on the vibrational essence of each manifestation of nature. The idea of this workshop is to find ideas that support the growth of the individual practice to encompass the world without ever leaving our mat. Open to all levels. Asana, Chanting, Meditation.
SUNDAY 29th of May
10.00-12.30h (10am-12.30pm) - Jivamukti XXL Masterclass, workshop style, with Jules on Hip Opening.
Tight hips and pelvic region is the curse of the modern person. The way we sit and move in our modern culture reflects a disconnection with the earth. When we learn how to release these ingrained patterns, our full range of movement becomes apparent. This class, although open to all levels, is really geared toward a student with a regular yoga practice who would like to expand their asana vocabulary and try some of the more challenging asanas.
15.00-18.00h (3-6pm) - Workshop “The Sound of Yoga: Asana and Chanting” with Martyna.
We can forget that the fastest way to a happier life is through vibration. We will explore the different methods of connecting to the Nadam or the inner sound that each of us shares. The world is made of vibration. As the world vibrates it makes a sound. That sound is within each manifestation of this beautiful earth and to hear it brings about great ease and joy. The first step is getting the noise of our mind to quiet down. We will explore practices to tune into this sound from the ancient yogic texts. Asana, Chanting, Mudras. Open to all.