The Yoga Practice brought many transformations in my Life and also the way I see and try to understand this Great Tradition has changed many times in the Way.
Yoga healed my Mother’s panic syndrom and my Father’s shoulder injuries and also all the severe injuries that I had because of the intense years training Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, so for a certain time Yoga was a doctor to me.
Yoga gave me practical means to deal with emotions and feelings and with this vast universe that everyOne carried inside. These matters are not teached in school and neither by our parents, but is extremelly important that we learn how to feel better to be able to serve better. And for a certain time Yoga was a friend to me.
Now Yoga became my greatest tool to make some real Work for our Planet. People are suffering out there, in all economic, heatlh and social conditions and only Yoga is the point of intersection of all human beings and all cultures, bringing possible means to everyOne achieves what is wanted the most: Happiness and Freedom.
We Are Yoga and That is All.
“Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu.”
Tonny Chang